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Sunday, February 18, 2018


1. You'll feel more anxious. 
Sex helps people blow off steam. Scottish researchers found people who abstained from sex struggled to cope with stressful situations like public speaking, compared with those who had intercourse at least once over a 2-week period. (Check out these 5 weird signs you're way too anxious.) During sex, the brain releases feel-good chemicals, such as endorphins and oxytocin, which help you feel more at ease, the researchers say. (Even if you're not having sex with a partner, there's no reason not to take matters into your own hands; this waterproof vibrating massager has 6 settings you're going to very much enjoy.)

2. Men, watch out for prostate cancer.
Guys who stop having sex may miss out on the prostate-protecting perks of frequent trysts. A study presented to the American Urological Association found men who got it on all the time enjoyed—along with the sex—a 20% drop in their risk for prostate cancer. One reason? Frequent ejaculations may remove potentially harmful substances from the prostate.

3. You’re more susceptible to colds and flu.

Having Sex Could Help Prevent Colds
Bsip Uig/Getty Images

Less sex may reduce your exposure to germs. Unfortunately, you’ll also skip the immune-boosting benefits of a weekly roll in the hay. Researchers at Wilkes-Barre University in Pennsylvania found people who had sex once or twice a week enjoyed a 30% boost in immunoglobulin A (IgA), compared with those who had sex seldom or never. IgA is one of the body’s first lines of defense against viruses, the study authors say.

4. Your risk for a UTI drops.
Nearly 80% of urinary tract infections occur within 24 hours of intercourse. During sex, bacteria in the vagina can end up pushed into the urethra, where it causes an infection. So the bright side—at least for women—when you stop having sex, your risk for the painful peeing condition plummets.

5. Insecurities about your relationship could start creeping in.  
Not having sex takes a toll on your happiness, closeness, and relationship security, experts say. "Going without sex in a marriage can deliver a hit to your self-esteem, engender guilt, and decrease levels of oxytocin and other bonding hormones," says Les Parrott, PhD, a psychologist and author of Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts. "It can also increase fears that one of you will look to others for your sexual needs, which can breed a little paranoia." However, Parrott points out this doesn’t mean a sexless couple can’t be happy. "Sex is just one expression of intimacy for couples," he says. Kissing, handholding, and giving compliments or unexpected gifts can help you feel connected with your partner emotionally—even if you’re not spending time connecting physically.

6. Your risk for erectile dysfunction, um, rises.

Use it or lose it: Men who have sex infrequently are twice as likely to experience erectile dysfunction as men who do it once a week or more, according to a study published in the American Journal of Medicine. The study’s authors suggest that, since the penis is a muscle, frequent sex may help preserve potency in a similar way that physical exercise helps maintain strength.  
     7. You may feel down in the dumps—but not for the reason you think.
Women feel more depressed the longer they go without having sex, reports a study in the journal Archives of Sexual Behavior. But it may not be the lack of sex that got them down. (Take our quiz to find out if you're depressed or just bummed out.) The study team found that women whose partners wore condoms felt just as blue. The researchers say some compounds found in semen—including melatonin, serotonin, and oxytocin—may have mood-boosting benefits for women who have unprotected intercourse. Of course, there are plenty of drawbacks to unprotected sex, too. (Call it a double-edged penis?)


Image result for MUST KNOW1. Afya

Jambo la 1 muhimu zaidi katika maisha yako ni afya njema. Bila hivyo, huwezi kuishi maisha unayotaka, kwa hiyo hakikisha uangalie mwili wako na akili. Jihadharini na afya yako ya kimwili na ya akili, kula afya na zoezi kila siku ili kupunguza hatari zinazohusiana na magonjwa makubwa na shida ambayo inaweza kukuzuia kufurahia maisha.
2. Familia

Kuwa na kundi la watu unaweza kuwaita familia ni baraka kubwa. Kujua kwamba mtu anakujali na daima kuna kwako kwako bila kujali kitu ambacho haifai na aina yoyote ya msaada. Upendo huu usio na masharti unapokea kila siku wakati wewe ni sehemu ya familia inayounga mkono, kwa hivyo heshima utulivu wao na jaribu kuonyesha upendo wako mara nyingi kwa kurudi.
3. Marafiki

Huwezi kuchagua familia yako, lakini unaweza kuchagua marafiki zako ambao unaweza kufanya wanachama wa familia yako. Ikiwa unajua kuhusu mtu unaweza kumwita rafiki yako bora, basi wewe ni mtu mwenye bahati kweli. Fanya zaidi na urafiki wako na uwe rafiki bora zaidi unaweza kuwa.
4. Kusudi

Ili kuishi maisha yenye kutimiza unahitaji kuwa na madhumuni, lengo na lengo maalum. Hizi unaweza kuziita ndoto zako, matarajio ya kazi au ufafanuzi wako mwenyewe wa mafanikio. Ikiwa unataka kufanya mabadiliko katika ulimwengu huu, unahitaji kuanza na wewe mwenyewe, ili uone kile unachotaka kufanya katika maisha na ufuate shauku yako kwa nguvu.Amani inahusu kutafuta njia ya kusawazisha hisia zako pamoja na kusimamia mahusiano ya kibinadamu na hali zenye uchungu kwa ufanisi. Hii itakusaidia kukuza kujiamini na kujiunga na wewe mwenyewe ili uweze kufikia amani ya ndani na kuchukua mtazamo mzuri kwa maisha.
7. Kujitegemea

Maisha ni zawadi na ni wajibu wako kupata zaidi ya hiyo. Isipokuwa unataka uhai kukupitisha, unahitaji kuanza kuwekeza katika kuendeleza ujuzi wako na ujuzi wako. Kugundua na kuendeleza vipaji vyako kupitia kujifunza kwa kuendelea na utapata kuna zaidi ya maisha kuliko ilivyopo.
8. Upendo

Kupokea na kutoa upendo ni mojawapo ya uzoefu wa kufurahisha zaidi katika maisha. Kuwa na mtu huyo maalum karibu na wewe, kushikilia mkono wako njiani ya maisha inaonyesha kuwa unajali kuhusu mtu mwingine isipokuwa wewe mwenyewe, na unatoa msaada wako kwa njia yoyote iwezekanavyo.
9. Chakula, maji, usingizi na oksijeni

Daima unahitaji kukumbuka kuwa vipengele vinne vya chakula, maji, usingizi na oksijeni ni muhimu kwa maisha yako. Ukiruka chakula, usinywe maji ya kutosha au kupata usingizi wa kutosha, unajiweka hatari na vitendo vile vinaweza kuharibu afya yako. Jaribu kuhifadhi usawa katika maisha yako na kuimarisha mwili wako na mambo haya muhimu.
10. Imani

Kuamini katika kitu ni muhimu kama kutafuta upendo na amani ya ndani. Wakati nyakati ni vigumu mara nyingi huomba msaada wa nguvu ya juu ili kufanya kama mwongozo wa maisha yako. Imani ni muhimu kama inavyoonekana kama mfano wa tumaini la kitu bora na kikubwa zaidi kuliko wewe mwenyewe.

Angalia Pia: Jinsi ya Kuishi maisha ya kweli yenye furaha


Image result for MUST KNOW

1. Health

The no.1 most important thing in your life is good health. Without it, you can’t live the life you want, so make sure you take care of your body and mind. Pay attention to your physical and mental health, eat healthy and exercise daily to minimise risks associated with serious illnesses and stress that may be preventing you from enjoying life.

2. Family

Having a group of people you can call family is a great blessing. Knowing that someone cares for you and is always there for you no matter what is incomparable to any other kind of support. This unconditional love is received daily when you are part of a supportive family, so respect their individuality and try to show your love more often in return.

3. Friends

You can’t choose your family, but you can choose your friends who you can make members of your family. If you know of a person you can call your best friend, then you are truly a lucky individual. Make the most out of your friendship and be the best friend you can be.

4. Purpose

In order to live a fulfilling life you need to have a purpose, a goal and a specific target. These you can call your dreams, career aspirations or your own definition of success. If you really want to make a change in this world, you need to start with yourself, so find out what you want to do in life and follow your passion with vigour.

5. Freedom

Only when you are free to make your own mistakes you will get to learn what that means. You need freedom to be able to explore your choices either on a professional or personal level and make your own choices, to decide for yourself and see where it takes you.

6. Peace

Peace refers to finding a way to balance your emotions as well as managing human relationships and stressful situations effectively. This will help you develop self-confidence and come to terms with yourself so that you can achieve inner peace and adopt a positive attitude to life.

7. Self-Development

Life is a gift and it is your responsibility to get the most of out of it. Unless you want life to pass you by, you need to start investing in developing your knowledge and skills. Discover and cultivate your talents through continuous learning and you will find there is more to life than just existing.

8. Love

Receiving and giving love is one of the most enjoyable experiences in life. Having that special someone next to you, holding your hand along the path of life shows that you care about another person other than yourself, and you offer your support in any way possible.

9. Food, water, sleep and oxygen

You always need to remember that these four elements of food, water, sleep and oxygen are vital to your survival. If you skip food, don’t drink enough water or get enough sleep, you are putting yourself in danger and such actions can seriously damage your health. Try to retain a balance in your life and equip your body with these essentials.

10. Faith

Believing in something is as important as finding love and inner peace. When times are hard you often ask for the help of a higher power to act as a guide for your life. Faith is important as it is regarded as an expression of hope for something better and greater than yourself.